4 oz flour
8 eggs
2 cans sweeteened milk
2 cans evaporated milk
1 can custard powder
4 cups water
8 oz butter
mix and blend at medium speed flour, butter and both milk until fluffly. on other bowl, dissolve custurd powder with water and heat until it become starchy. place the custard into the flour mixture together with butter and blend until properly mix. pour into the tray and bake for 40 minutes at 180 deg. C.
You all can view the lists and pictures on Blog Archive "cakesNtarts"
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
bingka cheeze
slices of bingka cheeze
4 eggs
250 gms philadelphia cheeze
200 gms butter
1/2 tin sweetened milk
1 packet agar
3 glass water
1/2 glass sugar
1/2 glass flour
1. blend philadelphia and milk until soft and fluffy.
2 add butter and continue blend.
3. add egg one by one and lastly add flour.
4. on the other bowl, add sugar, water and agar and bring to boil with continous stirring
5. when boil, pour into the above mixture with continous stirring until mix.
6. pour into the tray and bake 180 deg.C for 40 minutes using double boil technique.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
360 ml white egg
3 eggs
300 gms sugar
2 tbsp ovalette
2 tbsp sweetened milk
300 gms flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup cooking oil
blend white eggs until fluffy with high speed. then add 3 eggs one by one follow by 300 gms sugar until dissolve and more fluffy. the add 2 tbsp ovalette, 2 tbsp sweetened milk, mixture of 300 gms flour and 2 tsp baking powder. then add 1 cup cooking oil. spoon the mixture into the cups and bake them for 15 minutes at 350 deg. F. cool it. if want to make chocolate cupcakes add 50 gms cocoa powder and reduce the flour to 250 gms. then you can decorate the top either using chocolate with butter or nutella or icing with different colours and flavours as you like...if you were so is esay for you to decorate with colourful looking..nowadays people use this as gift for nikah or berian can visit a bruneian (hy9666) blog, expert in decorating the cupcakes by clicking "cupcakes_decor" at my "favourite bake link lists" enjoy you shows....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
nEw aSSorteD tartS
Saturday, August 9, 2008
i got this recipe from mama aida posted to cakesonly blog. actually it's a rainbow cake look like marble pattern. its seem to be nice and yummy and look like kek pelangi. the ingredients were as follows:
10 eggs (used only 8 white eggs)
1 tbsp ovallette
250 gms castor sugar
240 gms flour
2 tbsp condensed milk
250 gms melted butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp chocolate emulco
a little bit of green color and pandan essence
a little bit of pink color and strawberry essence
a little bit of orange color and orange essence
add flour, eggs, sugar and ovallette and blend until smooth and fluffy with high speed.
the add milk followed by butter and vanilla and continue bleending until properly mixed.
split into 5 portions and add color - original portion
- chocolate portion
- green portion
- pink portion
- orange portion
pour into the tray one color after the other and bake for 45 minutes at 180 deg C.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
the most simplest cake to prepare and less time consuming. what you need are 3 packets of oreo biscuits, two tbsp melted butter, 1 packet philadelphia cheese, 1/2 cup of condensed milk, blueberry paste and 1 egg.
crack the oreo biscuits into pieces and add melted butter and mixed thoroughly. then flatten the biscuit on a non stick tray until level. keep in the refrigerator for 30 minures. on other bowl, blend cheese with milk until smooth and fluffy. add egg and blend again. pour a little paste of blueberry and manually mixed it. not to strong. then pour into the tray. bake for 20-25 minutes at moderated temperature 100 deg. F. cool it and keep in the refrigerator before consuming it.
Monday, July 28, 2008
hoNeY corNflaKeS
this is a simple and straight forward recipes that even teenages can make this while watching tv. no baking required and you can taste the flavour of honey with nuts and flakes. the recipe is as follows:
2 tbsp honey
25 gms butter
2 tbsp nuts without skin
2 tbsp sesame seed
1 1/2 glass cornflakes
2 tbsp sugar
cheery for decorations
firstly heat and stir butter, honey and sugar until properly mixed. on different bowl, mix cornflakes and nuts and pour the honey mixture into it. add sesame seed and mixed again. spooned the mixture flakes into cake cups and dressed with cherry and it's ready....... have a try and enjoy the flakes........
Saturday, July 19, 2008
cReaM puFF
this is a very nice recipes and simple to make where you can use different type of fillings such as chicken or beef curry with mixed veggies, custard cream or whatever....what you need is just 200 ml water, 100 gms butter with a little bit of margarine, 125 gms of flour, 5 eggs and 1/2 tsp of salt.
mix the water with butter and salt and bring to boil. reduce the heat and while stirring, add flour until properly mixed and cool. then add beat eggs until sticky. take a spoon of the mixture and place it on the tray and bake under medium temperature for 20 minutes. it's ready for use...cut half and put the filling and its ready.....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
KuiH kuSui
ini kuih tradisi orang brunei sama seperti bingka yang mengandungi gula anau di beluti dengan kelapa parut..bahan-bahannya adalah seperti berikut:
1 biji telur
2 cawan tepong gandum
1 cawan tepong kanji
1 cawan gula
sedikit gula anau
sedikit kapur
5 cawan air
campurkan tepong gandum, tepong kanji dan gula. masukkan 2 cawan air berserta gula anau dan kapor dan gaul hingga sebati. sementara itu panaskan 3 cawan air hingga mendidih dan barulah masukkan adunan tadi kedalam nya dan gaul hingga rata. kukus hingga masak. pabila sudah masak, sejukkan dan potong mengikut rasa dan gaul dengan parutan kelapa...
tips: parutan kelapa hendaklah dikukus bagi mengelakkan besi...
Monday, July 14, 2008
this is a colorful and smartest deserts where all the cream, cake, fruits and jelly were packed inside a closed plastic cups where you can buy from the bakery shops. taste was nice and yummy..what you needs were as follows:
1 pack agar (Nona)
50 gms sugar
50 gms corn flour
2 yellow egg yolks
1 tbsp butter
1 can evaporated milk (ideal)
250 ml warm water
1/2 can sweetened milk
1 tsp vanilla
yellow coloring
dissolve the agar in water as instructed in the packet and if necessary, boil it. when half cool, pour into the cups containing slices of cake and let the agar settle.
on different bowl - add sugar, flour, egg yolks, vanilla, butter, evaporated milk, sweetened milk, warm water and coloring and mix all together until dissolve. boil the mixture using "double boil technique" until the mixture become sticky. cool it and pour into the cups again. then add creamy and fruits as decoration. recap the cups and put inside the refrigerator before consume it.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
kEk SaRi kELaPa
this cake can have several colors such as red, green and yellow and it's up to you to decorate..just give you the recipes as follows:
100 gms butter
100 gms sugar
2 eggs
75 gms flour
50 gms dessicated coconut
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 tbsp sweetened milk
beat butter and sugar until soft and fluffy and add eggs one by one. then add flour, dessicated coconut, milk and vanilla. bake for 30 minutes at 350 deg.F
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
bLaCk foREst caKe
when you say "black forest cakes", everybody know. it's black color cake of cocoa powder cover with white icing and strawberry fruit as decoration and it's smell nice and fragant. it is so famous in brunei...wherever you go to the bakery shop, sure you will find one. sometimes they put blueberry paste in between the cakes to make it taste so fruity. this is just the basic of making black forest cake and it's up to you to decorate what you need is as follows:
200 gms butter
200 gms sugar
4 eggs
175 gmd self raising flour
50 gms cocoa powder
what you first blend butter and sugar until fluffy and soft. add eggs one at a time and continue blending. add a mixture of flour and cocoa and again continue blending until properly mix. bake at 400 deg.F for 30 minutes and cool it. now you can decorate as you like....the texture of the cake is very soft and not too spongy and you can smell the cocoa aroma..
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
bingKa chEEsE
this's the best bingka in town of kilanas & berakas. the texture is very soft and taste excellent. i got the recipe from my sister-in-law which also a businesswoman in bakery who live somewhere along berakas road if not mistaken at simpang 227. the recipe are as follows:
4 eggs
250 gms butter
1 block philadelpia
1/2 sweetened milk
1 1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
3 cups water
1 packet agar (nona clear)
the method straight forward...blend philadelpia, butter, milk and sugar until fluffy and soft. add eggs one at a time and continue blending. while blending, add agar into the water and boil until the agar dissolve. then pour the hot agar into the mixture and continue blending. when properly mix, transfer into a tray and place it on the tray containing hot water. this what we call double boil tecniques and bake for 45 minutes at 400 deg.F. check the bingka with a stick dip into the center just to check wheather it is done or not. place inside a refrigerator for a few hours before it can be serve.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

TAT TELUR - Tat ini diintikan dengan susu dengan kuning telur dengan harganya $25.00 setiap 100 biji.

KUIH RENJIS - Kuih ini diintikan dengan kari daging dan kentang yang sudah dimasak dengan harganya $10.00 setiap 40 biji.
TAT CHEESE - Tat ini diintikan dengan krim philadelpia dan dihiasi dengan garutan chedder cheese diatas nya. Harganya $25.00 setiap 100 biji.
TAT MARBLE CHEESE - Tat ini diintikan dengan krim philadelpia yang campurkan dengan coklat emulco. Harganya $25.00 setiap 100 biji.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
blend 1 1/2 cups white eggs until fluffy with high speed. then add 3 eggs one by one follow by 300 gms sugar until dissolve and more fluffy. the add 2 tbsp ovalette, 2 tbsp sweetened milk, mixture of 250 gms flour, 50 gms corn flour, 50 gms cocoa powder and 2 tsp baking powder. then add 1 cup cooking oil and a little bit of chocolate emluco. bake them for 30 minutes at 350 deg. F. cool it.
for dressing, spread nescafe dissolve in warm water on top of the cake follow by creamy cheese and grated oreo biscuits. that's it....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
aFriCAnFLy caKe - straWbeRRy or cHocoLate
390 ml white eggs
3 eggs
250 gm sugar
1 1/2 tbsp ovalette
2 tbsp sweetened milk
300 gm flour
50 gm corn flour
2 tbsp baking powder
1 glass cooking oil
walnut chopped
strawberry emulco
blend white eggs with high speed until fluffy. while blending, add eggs one by one, sugar, ovalette, sweetened milk and mixture of flour/baking powder/corn flour. finally add oil. take it out from the machine blender and add chopped walnut with spoon. add strawberry emulco and swril the mixture with a spoon slowly. place into the tray 10" x 10" and bake for 30 minutes at 400 deg.F. cool it and ready for serving....this is for strawberry flavour but for chocolate just add chocolate emulco instead of strawberry......
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
kEk mAtA KuCiNG (cat's eYe caKe)
the gradients and method are as follows: place 16 oz butter and 3/4 glass sugar inside a bowl and blend until fluffy and make sure all the sugar dissolved. add 10 yellow eggs one at time and continue blending. add 1 small can nestle cream, 1 small can kaya jam, 200 gms flour with 1 tsp baking powder, 200 gms horlicks and gravy brown. then steam the mixture for 1-2 hours until satay stick is clean when dip into the cake. the cake texture is very smooth and taste marvellous.
cHeeZe caKe
to make the cake just refer to the previous post submitted in May. then apply creamy cheese on top of the cake follow by grated cheddar cheese. that's it. place it in the refrigerator for 3 hrs and the you can cut it. It won't stick to the knife.
Monday, June 9, 2008
cHocOlaTe chEEze taRt
for this we just add the chocolate to the cheeze cream and mix together. then fill it into the crust and put little be of diced nuts...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
breAk with the sTaFFs

Thursday, June 5, 2008
bLUeBeRRy cheeze tart
recipe same as the cheeze tart but instead using the chedder cheeze, we use blueberry pie filling where you can get from le apple bakery. you scratch berry with satey stick or whatever....
chEEze taRTs
use the same recipe as before for the crust and for the filling just use the creamy cheeze for the cheeze cake and ontop of the tart just use the chedder cheeze and grate on to it. picture next time up date. bye...
Monday, June 2, 2008
swEEt coRn SouP
recipe is so simple and what you need are 1 can of creamy corn (ligo), 1 egg, 1 tbsp corn flour, 1 cube chicken stock (maggie), black pepper and garlic. put a little bit of oil on the pan and fried slice garlic and add the stock. pour the creamy corn into the pan and add water by using the corn can (1:1) and also add pepper and stir slowly until it all mix. while waiting for the corn to boil, dissolve the corn flour with water ....NOT to much and also beat the egg on a bowl. when the corn soup really boil, pour the corn flour into it while stirring. then add egg. it's ready now. (if you want to add crab meat into the recipe, ad after frying the garlic). so guys you all can try this recipe. it's nice and delicious and you can eat with gralic bread...umh...mah...this can serve upto 8 -10 person
frUIt taRt fiLLinG
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
diFFereNT tYPes oF fiLLiNg
Monday, May 19, 2008
hoW to maKE taRt's Crust
to make the crust itself is just a straight forward method. what we need as follows:
100 gms butter
100 gms margarine (planta)
2 tbsp icing sugar
1 egg york
400 gms prima flour
1. blend butter, magarine and sugar until soft and add egg york and continue blending.
2. add flour to the mixture and blend until the mixture become dough.
3. make tart crust by pressing the dough into the tart mould.
4. heat in the oven at 375 degree F for 25 minutes and cool it.
that's it and can have a try....
from this you can create the filling and decoration of the tart whether you want to make fruit tart, egg tart, cheeze tart or whatever.....good luck
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
receipe same as cheeze cake. For topping, just apply blueberry paste where you can get it from le apple. you smash the berry until fine and spread on top of the cream. Have a try...
Monday, May 12, 2008
same recipe as the cheeze cake but the add another ingredient namely chocolate emulco where you can buy it from le apple ~$10.00+. Add it to the mixture and stir slowly untul nicely spread. Bake as before and when done put cream on top and again add chocolate emulco on top of the cheeze cream to decorate. that's it and have a try.......TIPS: for cutting the cake please dip the knife into hot water so that the cream and emulco won't stick on the knife....
you can see the layers of the chocolate emulco and only the experts can do it yeh....