Welcome to our blog where we can share recipes and tips on baking cakes especially cheezzeee cakes of different flavours and tastes. And also family matters and activities. So enjoy your day with us...
To all valuable viewers and bloggers please spend a little spare time to see our list of cakes and tarts homely made of different flavours and taste which are so yummy.....and we do sale these cakes and tarts everyday at our place in Kilanas Jalan Ban 4. we do also prepare + (campur) for different occassion requested by the customers. if interested, feel happy to contact us at Kilanas
2670774 (R) / 8768367 / 8767273 or sms or email us at this address:
You all can view the lists and pictures on Blog Archive "

Home Made Ice cream without eggs.

Strawberry flavour ice cream with diced almond and cream wafers stick
This home made ice cream is easy and simple to make. We need 2 items only. Coffee Mate or Creamy Mate (450gms) and dissolve in 1 liter of cream milk strawberry flavour or chocolate flavour or what ever you like. Freeze over nite. Blend the cream until creamy and freeze before consume. Taste and texture awesome and the sweetness is just right. The recipe I get it from my sister Minah, long time ago when i was studying at UK.

Nasi Kambing Naskila dihiasi dengan lemon, telur, tomato, lada hijau dan daun sup.

Beras Berani di gunakan bagi membuat Nasi Kambing Naskila